Welcome to the DIgital-MSE Association

Digital Maxillary Skeletal Expander (D-MSE), New digital era at your fingertips!

How can I plan my first MSE Digital Design?


Becoming a member of the association

A) Choose your membership category and learn step by step the whole process of communication with the lab and the distributor.

B) Learn all the tips that will lead you to a higher success rate in all your Digital-MSE, and will reduce your DMSE intallsation times to no more that 10 minutes!

C) Once you become a member of the DMSE Association, you will receive immediate access to the “Dental Academy” to be able to access the “Digital MSE Planning and Design Course”. 

You will learn how the entire digital flow is carried out, from how to send the records (STL and Dicom files) to the final installation of the DMSE in your office.

A) Buy the DMSE directly through CIMBIS website, official distributor in Spain and Portugal. If it is your first DMSE, you can select the Starter Kit pack to get not only the DMSE but also all the necessary tools for its installation.

B) Send the DICOM files, the impressions / STLs and the prescription form to Ortosan, which is a digital planning center. They will be in charge of communicating with the distributor to confirm that there is a DMSE purchased in your name and they will get to work on the virtual design (You will not have to choose the size of the MSE or even have an stock of them. Lab & Distributor will comunicate and tell you the best option. You only have to buy what you are going to use).

C) Control the planning process. Approve the final design for the official laboratory to finish the manufacturing process. We have created a fast, predictable, and smart method.


Buying and ordering the Digital-MSE


Install your Digital MSE

A) You will be able to install your Digital-MSE in a very short period of time after your acceptance of the planification. No need of extra appointments to place bands or spacers. Saving time and money for you and your patients.

B) Receive and cement your Digital-MSE, placing the 4 guided micro-implants in less than 10 minutes.


"The MSE by its bicortical anchorage is capable of achieving a quality expansion of the middle third of the face, having a great impact on airways"


Developer of MSE and Key Opinion Leader in the field of microimplants

The use of the DIGITAL-MSE is for you If...

  • If you use Hyrax dentosupported appliances in your clinic and you want to incorporate micro-implant assisted expanders (MARPE)
  • If you already use any kind of MARPE, including the MSE, but you still don’t do digital planning.
  • If you’ve already tried to design your digital MARPE, and after investing thousands of hours and money, you still do not get the results you expected.
  • If you have no experience on the digital planning or virtual design but you want to use a digitally designed MARPE which is easy to plan, simple to install, effective and predictable.
  • If you want to be independent but you do not want to spend 5000 Dollars on specific 3Dsoftware to be able to design your virtual structures and to spend countless hours learning how to use the software and them investing some more hours on each design.
  • If you are willing to be a great clinician that offers the best to his patients by using the latest technology.
  • If you want to offer your patients something that most of your competitors won’t be able to do it. Digital era is here to stay. Embrace the chance.

«Digital-MSE is intuitive to plan, quick to design and easy to install. The most powerful and predictable tool to expand the facial middle third “


Developer of Digital-MSE process  

Why should you use the Digital-MSE and not another MARPE?

Direct digital method

It is the first and only prefabricated MARPE that uses the body of the expander as a guide itself for the mini-implants placement. This simplifies and makes the process cheaper and faster. Allowing this way a direct method which does not require acrylic guides for its installation, nor the taking of records with transfers for planning (indirect method).

Fast and accurate planning

Once you have learned the communication process, you can plan it yourself or just confirm that the design made by the laboratory is correct. You will be able to spend more time treating other patients.

Absolute Control

You will be the one controlling the design and planning process from start to finish. Everything in the easiest way you can imagine and with very little of your time.


Digital-MSE is highly customizable and will allow you to incorporate any auxiliary element you wish to add.

Safe and reliable

Using the MARPE (MSE) with the greatest scientific support is undoubtedly a guarantee of safety and trust for you and your patients.

Benefits for DMSE Association members

Online training step by step

You can access the platform from any device and from anywhere. Within it you will have access to the entire Digital MARPE Association training course, tools and support.

Support in all your cases

You will have technical support in all your designs, you will never be alone with the problems. We will help you to make your Digital-MSE 100% perfect and without margin for error.

Working with the best tools

You will be given UNLIMITED access to our EXCLUSIVE platform to be able to visualize all your designs and interact with the lab in a simple, intuitive, visual, dynamic and fast way. Through this platform you will also be able access the pre/post expansion CBCT superposition.

Immediate access to all content

You can access the content to learn how to do the Digital-MSE immediately after becoming a member. You can access all the content at the time of payment and learn it as fast as you want. The sooner you implement what you have learned, the sooner you will see results.

Pre / Post Expansion 3D Overlays

All the different available designs of the D-MSE that will shown during the training, will be explained in detail facilitating your communication with the lab. You will also learn how you can request your pre / post 3D expansion superposition.

Custom designs

All of your designs, including superpositions, will be mailed to you so you can share them with your patients, so they can see the great work behind all the planning.

Lifetime updates​

As a member, if any changes in the design of the MSE are made, you will be able to know “the why” and learn how to incorporate those improvents to your designs and daily practice.

VIP access

Only the members of the Digital MSE Association will be informed of all the products and improvements of the DMSE, and will be the first to be able to test those designs. Including models such as the MSE III and the MSE IV that will be released very soon.

Exclusive discounts

Members of the association will receive exclusive discounts on all products related to the Digital MSE. Depending on the category of member you choose, these benefits can reach very atractive offers

Special prices on training

The Association has an agreement with Dentalgram Formacion (www.dentalgramformacion.com) and DLcirugia (www.dlcirugiaoral.com). Become a member of the association and sign up for their courses at unique prices

DMSE Annual Meeting

An annual DMSE Meeting will be held for members of the Association. Members will be able to present their cases and the best annual case will be awarded with a 1000€ check.

Personalized mentoring

Dr. Mompell will connect personally with you to answer any of your questions about your cases and the Digital MSE. This service is exclusive for members.

Now you have 3 options


Buy a 3D Designing software and make your own digital MARPE

This is a very common option, you may even already have that software. No matter if you do of you dont, this option can be very expensive. You will spend several months until you are confortable with your designing process, learning by yourfelf and without the necessary tools can be a nigthmare. Yo also have to keep in mind that after all that work, you will need a 3D printer and some other devices as sintering machines and laser welding ones. And after all, you will never be sure that there is no mistake.


Use another MARPE and another digital procedure

This is one of the totally valid option and much more recommended than the first option. However, the problem is that the MARPEs that exist in the market, although they are 100% customizable, require a lot of time for their design, both by the clinician and the lab, and they use indirect methods for planning and installing. All this facts lead to a higher cost of the final product and something even more important, an enormous investment of time. Your time is gold!


Use the Digital-MSE learning step by step how to do it.

This is, in our opinion, the ideal option. You will have someone to guide you from A to Z with the most tested and reliable MARPE system available at the market. As part of the Association you will learn the step-by-step method to have control of the process at all time, even to request your superposition of your  3D expansions (before and after).  Digital-MSE, it is an expander that will allow you to achieve your goal of incorporating this treatment without having to invest a fortune or precious time.

You deserve the best!!
Become a member and take advantage of the new Digital-MSE Association !!

Category of Members


  • Association Member Card included
  • Online training: "DMSE Planning and Design Course" included
  • 20% discount on all your DMSE
  • 1 year of Membership included
  • Planning in PDF included
  • Access to the 3D platform
  • Special discounts not included
  • Annual DMSE Meeting not included
  • Discount on Specialty Courses
  • Pre / Post Superposition Expansion
  • Mentorship with Dr. Mompell not included
  • Static study of airways
  • Computational Fluids Dynamics Study


  • Association Member Card included
  • Online training: "DMSE Planning and Design Course" included
  • 23% discount on all your DMSE
  • 2 years of Membership included
  • Planning in PDF included
  • Access to the 3D platform
  • Special discounts every 6 months
  • Annual DMSE Meeting not included
  • Discount on Specialty Courses
  • Pre / Post Superposition Expansion
  • Mentorship with Dr. Mompell not included
  • Static study of airways
  • Computational Fluids Dynamics Study


  • Association Member Card included
  • Online training: "DMSE Planning and Design Course" included
  • 27% discount on all your DMSE
  • 3 years of Membership included
  • Planning in PDF included
  • Access to the 3D platform
  • Special discounts every 3 months
  • 50% discount on Annual DMSE Meeting
  • 10% discount on Special courses
  • 1 Pre / Post Overlays Expansion included
  • Mentorship with Dr. Mompell not included
  • Static study of airways
  • Computational Fluids Dynamics Study
best seller


  • Association Member Card included
  • Online training: "DMSE Planning and Design Course" included
  • 32% discount on all your DMSE
  • UNLIMITED LIVE Membership included
  • Planning in PDF included
  • Access to the 3D platform
  • Permanent Special Discounts during the year
  • Free access to the Annual DMSE Meeting
  • 20% discount on Special courses
  • 1 Pre / Post Overlays Expansion included
  • 1 Mentorship session with Dr. Mompell
  • 1 Static study of airways
  • 1 Computational Fluids Dynamics Study


Do you want Dr. Mompell to connect live with you and review your case personally?

Dr. Mompell will be happy to assist you personally if you need any advice at any stage of the process, from planning to installation, including the correct activation protocol for your patient, specific design, or even his D-MSE protocol in combination with aligners.

If you become a VIP Member, remember that you have included a mentoring session with Dr. Mompell


Does this sounds familiar to you??

  • You know a lab that performs digital planning of  MARPEs, but the process for doing it is very complicated, and you do not even know how or which records have to be sent. That’s why you keep using the Hyrax even when you really know that a MARPE would be more convenient, effective and reliable.
  • You have the ideal patient for a MARPE, but you know that the process to have a digital design MARPE ready to be placed in your clinic, is going to take thousands of hours of your time or leaving everything on the lab technicians hands, because you do not know exactly what you need to ask for.
  • You have done an analog or digital MARPE but still not feel confident to give specific instructions because nobody has ever guided you through an exact step-by-step method from the very beginning.
  • Perhaps you already have the technology … but you have not been able to implement processes such as digital MARPE.
  • In the D-MSE Association we have Dental Academy and we will teach you the whole process !!
  • You will learn the process step by step so that you can place your first Digital-MSE in the next patient who needs it !!! You will feel safe and confortable and become a part of the most important association when talking about digital MSE.

Do like these friends of the Digital MSE Association and don't think it twice!

John González

Madrid (España)

“La experiencia adquirida con esta tecnología me ha ayudado realmente a la implementación en mis pacientes. El Dr.Moon es además muy cercano y siempre me ha ayudado.”

John González

Madrid (España)

“La experiencia adquirida con esta tecnología me ha ayudado realmente a la implementación en mis pacientes. El Dr.Moon es además muy cercano y siempre me ha ayudado.”

John González

Madrid (España)

“La experiencia adquirida con esta tecnología me ha ayudado realmente a la implementación en mis pacientes. El Dr.Moon es además muy cercano y siempre me ha ayudado.”

John González

Madrid (España)

“La experiencia adquirida con esta tecnología me ha ayudado realmente a la implementación en mis pacientes. El Dr.Moon es además muy cercano y siempre me ha ayudado.”

Members a partners

Dental Academy


The training with Digital MARPE Association is an online course that is included when becoming a member of the association regardless of the selected category.

This course is planned to guarantee that all DMSE users know the characteristics of the DMSE and that they know how the virtual planning process, digital design and communication with the Planning Center and Laboratory work. All this topics are taught in the online course, you will be able to access to it immediately after becoming a member.

After obtaining your accreditation as a member, you will be able to buy your DMSE and the guides for corticoponture without any limitation. You will be part of an exclusive group of doctors who use DMSE and you will have exclusive access to the DMSE planning and design platform ristricted to DMSE users .

Digital MARPE Association trains two different types of professionals: lab technicians and doctors.

Laboratory training ensures that the lab knows the digital manufacturing process of the DMSE perfectly and how to communicate with the Planning Center, the doctors and with the distributor. It also guarantees that the laboratory works exclusively with the official MSE, guaranteeing the final quality and success of the DMSE.

Training for doctors is necessary and mandatory to ensure that all DMSE users know the characteristics of the DMSE, know how the virtual planning process is, the digital design and how to communicate with the Planning Center, the Lab and Distributors if necessary. All information is available at the moment you become a member, and you are given access to the Digital MARPE Association platform.

If you are already a user of the MSE, but not  a member of the DMSE Association, you must do so in order to make the leap to digital planning. During the training we will teach you the whole process to know the characteristics of the DMSE, know how the virtual planning process works, digital design and communication with the Planning Center, Laboratory and Distributors if necessary. All this is taught the moment you become a member and you are given access to the Digital MARPE Association platform.

No. We need you to be a member in order to teach you the entire process of communication with the laboratory and teach you how to operate with the platform and thereby optimize the entire digital flow.

During the training we will guide you through the whole process and the characteristics of the DMSE, you will learn how the virtual planning process works, digital design and communication with the Planning Center, Laboratory and Distributors have to be done, if necessary. All this is taught immediately at the moment you become a member and you are given access to the Digital MARPE Association platform.

So, right after becoming a member, you will receive an email to access the training.

Depending on the member category you have chosen, you will have some discounts or others at the time of purchase. During the training we will explain how the communication process with the different partners of the association is to buy your DMSE in a simple and automatic way.

After completing the training, you can now buy your DMSE without any limitation, you will be part of this exclusive group of doctors who use the DMSE and you will have exclusive access to the DMSE planning and design platform for DMSE users.

The training you will receive is based on a long time of scientific and clinical work. This, in combination with a very specific laboratory process, allow us to teach you the entire planning and design process of a digital MARPE.

The platform used for training is simple and dynamic so that this process is easy and fun to incorporate into your clinic by the doctor and by the entire team of assistants.

¿Tienes alguna duda?